Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Vampire Happening (1961)

SYNOPSIS: Stylish 60s vampire flick that showcases lots of flesh, special effects and gaudy vampire fun.
HIGHS: Tree spreads branches, just like a crotch! Sian likes hairy chest on Mr. Larson. Dracula does the bullhorn salute.
LOWS: Actress reads Dracula. Like she can read. Pfft!
MEMORABLE LINES: Old Dude: They aught to ship that Dyke back to Holland. Mr. Larson: Hang on Joseph - Betty's in danger - we'll ride like the wind! Dracula: Call me Christopher. (??) And I thought his first name was Count!
NOTE: May have featured more boobs than Murder Set Pieces.

Sammy: 3/10
Johnny: 3.5/10
Sian: 3/10

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