Sunday, March 30, 2008

Simon Says (2007)

SYNOPSIS: "Simon says: get ready for a bloody good time!" Typical college students decide to camp in the woods. They come across twins Simon & Stanley who obviously kill the group one member at at time. Lots of good "kills" in this one.
HIGHS: Crispin is scary hot! (According to Sammy). Stan squishes whole little dog with one step. Also laughs at his own jokes. His accent is great.
LOWS: Petrified dead 'rents - come on - SO cliche! Dudes shoot Stan with paint balls.
MEMORABLE LINES: Stanley: Would you like a hand sandwich? (said like haynd sayndwitch.) Stan hangs two chicks from a tree: You girls hang out for a while. Zack: I hit a dog! Jock: Was it a flying dog?
NOTE: Playing with "Mime Massacre" short film. Seen at the Toronto After Dark film fest. Psycho guy was kind of lame - a country hick. Good sound effects though.

Sammy: 7/10
Johnny: 5/10 (It's no High Tension!)

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