Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maniac (2012)

SYNOPSIS: Vacant-gazed mannequin shop owner restores vintage 'quins and creeps the streets of LA for new "wigs". Only luscious styles reminding him of his (literal) whore mother will do.
HIGHS: Saucy girl-on-girl mannequin poses. Elija's surprisingly bland lower half. Meat cleaver in the face! Getting literally torn to pieces.
LOWS: Music by "Rob". Super easy scalping right off the top (Pun intended? I'll let you decide!). Poor man's cirque du soleil action. Completely deserted streets... of LA. Devastating car crash – when they were going only about 20k an hour.
MEMORABLE LINES: "There's no way you can get away with brushing you hair topless in a movie and live. It's a rule." - Jon "Watch it, fuck face"- Guy on the street serving bear realness

Sammy: 6/10
Johnny: 5/10
Sian: 4/10

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Conjuring (2013)

SYNOPSIS: A big family move into a derelict country home (complete with hidden basement & and angry spirits). Demonic possession & haunting ensues (obv!). Paranormal investigators du jour Ed & Lorraine Warren come to save the day – with a poor man's Joseph Gordon Levitt along for the ride.
HIGHS: First-time exorcism. Sweet long & skinny 60's microphone. Flying sheet!
LOWS: Officer Brad's stache. Arsenal of holy water & crosses - you're gonna need a bit more than that! "Far out" and "Groovy". Happy family pile–up.
MEMORABLE LINES: Demon "Wanna play hide & clap?" Paul "Pretty intense horror movie." My screams!
MEMORABLE MOMENT: Perfectly timed power outage intensified mood.

Sammy: 9/10
Paul: 7.8/10
Jayme: 9/10
Renson: 7/10