Sunday, March 30, 2008

Texas Chainsaw Masacre (1974)

SYNOPSIS: The true story of a day that five friends, especially Sally and her invalid brother Franklin, will never forget... even if they had lived long lives afterwards.
HIGHS: Grandpa!! Sally's white pants - sweet! Chainsaw (of course).
LOWS: Screaming is not dialogue.
MEMORABLE LINES: Franklin!! Sally!!
MEMORABLE MOMENT: Grandpa's the best - as he drops the hammer 1, 2, 3, 4 times!
NOTE: John Laroquette of Night Court spoke the opening crawl in his first Hollywood job.

Sammy: 5/10
Johnny: 7/10
Sian: 4/10


blair-witch-projector said...

4 and 5 out of ten????!!!!!! SHAME!!!!! this gem of a movie was based on a true story. ever heard of ed gein? they made psycho based on his story, too. (apparently deranged is the most factual of the movies made about him). but i love this one!! first few times i saw it were mesmerizing. the scene where the girl falls into the room with bones all over the floor, and it seems to last forever as it sinks in that she's in deep trouble here. the chicken in the bird cage--jesus christ. i heard that tobe hooper is an animal rights activist, and this movie has an anti-meat subtext. very clever. i love the way by the end, the last survivor keeps running and running, and thinks she's found help in the sheriff, but he doesn't help, oh no! then there's more running, running, running. one of the few movies i've seen that truly approximates a nightmare, in both the images and pacing and sheer heart pounding visceral response it evokes. 9 out of ten, hats off to leatherface.

jbird said...

My favourite part of the film is how it takes place all at once - no unnecessary things like plot or backstory or explanations to slow things down - just, "here's an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere, let's go see if the neighbours are home" and then chainsaw, Chainsaw, CHAINSAW!!! now run while I get my chainsaw