Sunday, March 30, 2008

Re-Animator (1985)

SYNOPSIS: "Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders - and another one in the dish on his desk!"
HIGHS: Evil cat, back from the grave... and in the fridge! Severed head tries to give head - I'm shocked! Projectile intestines RULE! Death by Intestines! This movie truly has blood and guts.
LOWS: Headless body wears disguise with mannequin head; plastic ear falls off - oops! Guard with Boudoir mag needs a break!
MEMORABLE LINES: Dr. West: I have a plan... Severed head in dish: So do I!
NOTE: House of Re-Animator - January 2008 featuring the original cast with Bill Macy and Norm from Cheers. When a death in the white house occurs...

Sammy: 8/10
Johnny: 7/10

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