Monday, March 31, 2008

Near Dark (1987)

SYNOPSIS: An ultra stylish, ultra violent and altogether brilliant vampire movie that thrives on blood and absolute horror that begins near dark.
HIGHS: Bill Paxton as the hitchhiking cowboy - Sammy likes! Dude gets knife in the mouth and pulls it out real slow.
LOWS: Music by Tangerine Dream - not so hot.
MEMORABLE LINES: Caleb: What the fuck is goin' on? Bill: It's not what's goin' on, it's what's comin' off - your face! Kid: My name's Homer. That's H-O-M-E-R. Mispronounce it and I wouldn't want to be you. Jessie (to waitress): Your skin's as soft as a preacher's belly.
NOTES: Features a young Bill Paxton - a sure sign of a quality film.

Sammy: 3/10
Johnny: 4/10
Sian: 5/10

1 comment:

Jamester said...

Is that the Phantom sans mask?