Sunday, March 30, 2008

Primeval (2007)

SYNOPSIS: Inspired by the "true" story of the most blood thirsty crocodile ever. Plus, he's 25 feet long, and named Gustave by the locals.
HIGHS: Both Sammy & Sian like the button-down look - hot!
LOWS: Prison break dude runs his hands through his bald hair. No shirtless scenes from anyone!
MEMORABLE LINES: Reporter: You just want to show the world who has the biggest Croc. (Pun intended!) Black Dude: You think Roger's tappin' that? He's got the tappin' apparatus. (Note, Sammy says "Tappin' Tackle".) Black Dude: If I have to shove you up my ass to get you through customs, you're coming to America.

Sammy: 2/10
Johnny: 4/10
Sian: 1.5/10

1 comment:

blair-witch-projector said...

this totally sucked. and i paid to see it at the theatre, just for something to do. i knew nothing about the movie before heading in. sometimes that is a good thing. in this case bad. i give it half a crocodile fart.