Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Host (2006)

SYNOPSIS: Contaminated river water gives birth to huge land/water catfish. Attacking people and storing live specimens for snacks later.
HIGHS: Giant catfish. Grief scene.
LOWS: Random plot-lines thrown in for good measure. Is that a Korean film thing?
MEMORABLE LINES: Guy: I don't know if it's a monster. Guy #2: I didn't bring my camera! Then crowd starts to feed the monster snacks. Guy #3: Dude, check that out. He's eating it!" Later on... Old Man: He lacked calories. That's why every once in a while he dozes off like a sick rooster.
NOTES: On DVD extras, you find the Director apologizing for almost everything. "I'm sorry! I apologize to all the crew members who had to go through extreme physical labour due to bicycle moving each day." etc.

Sammy: 5/10
Johnny: 5/10
Sian: 5/10

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