Sunday, April 17, 2011

Haunting of Winchester House (2009)

SYNOPSIS: When a young family moves into a mansion, their daughter is kidnapped by sinister spirits and discovers why the house is "one" of the most haunted places in America.
HIGHS: Poor Man's Megan Fox gets tree-ed. Some sweet Converse All Stars on display. Fake book wall paper! Harrison Dent - Paranormal Investigations
MEMORABLE LINES: Lady "Do you know what squirrels do? They bite your nuts." Dude "If he messes with our daughter, then he's definitely going to be talking to ghosts... in person." Lady "What are they?" Dude "They're victims of winchester rifles." Harrison Dent "The clue isn't the trees... it's the forest."

Sammy: 0/10
Johnny: 1/10
Sian: 1.5/10
Halina: 2/10
Ann: 1/10
Alek: 1/10

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