Sunday, April 17, 2011

Alien Apocalypse (2005)

SYNOPSIS: A cocky Bruce Campbell returns to earth after a 40-year cryogenic space nap to discover the earth has been enslaved by giant termites. In a desperate time ruled by head-chomping bugs that spew green crap, can one brave hero lead a not very bright world to freedom?
HIGHS: Space suite conga. Poor Man's Willie Nelson (PMWN) - only 35 but with a face of a 60-year old.
LOWS: Freedom fist pump with feeling! Budget was spent before wig/beard purchasing.
MEMORABLE LINES: Doctor "Look - you're not even that short. You don't qualify as a dwarf or a midget!" Head Termite "Human heads are our favourite delicacy, next to wood." PMWN "Every time you try to escape, they cut off a finger." Bruce "You lose any more and you'll be scratching your ass with a wooden spoon." Old Man "The president lives. I've spoken with a guy who knows someone who's seen him." Bearded Dude "But you're a Doctor!" Doctor "That's right, and your stupidity is terminal."

Sammy: 2/10
Johnny: 3/10
Sian: 1.5/10

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