Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Blob (1988)

SYNOPSIS: A vile, malignant life-form crashes to earth - untroubled by intellect. It does only one thing - and it does it well!
HIGHS: So gross it's awesome! That's one crafty blob - who knew a blob could have tentacles? All the better to pull the victims in. Blob so scary - Johnny does not like. Some sweet mullets. Bruno bites it head-first down the drain. Blob-sicles.
LOWS: Surprisingly, none!
MEMORABLE LINES: Kevin Dillon: All I saw was an old man with a funky hand. Army Dude: Chew on that, slime ball! Movie Trailer: If it had a face, you could look it in the eye! Terror has no shape.
NOTES: Only the greatest movie with a blob EVER!

Sammy: 6/10
Johnny: 7.5/10
Sian: 6.8/10

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