Saturday, August 9, 2008

An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

SYNOPSIS: The five star (!) sequel to An American Werewolf in London, featuring three college dudes and werewolves that walk on two legs! Dude!
HIGHS: Doin' it on Jim Morrison's grave! Mesh wife-beater (he's too sexy for his wolf).
LOWS: Features a young Anthony Kedis look-a-like. Werewolf doesnt' look like a wolf. Dead Chick: Thanks for a lovely evening - Douche Bag!
NOTE: Kedis look-a-like escapes from church with a cross strapped to his back - in slow-mo!

Sammy: 1/10
Johnny: 1/10
Sian: .5/10
Rob: 2/10

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