Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Changling (1980)

SYNOPSIS: A haunted house adventure complete with seances, nocturnal grave diggings, ghostly spirits and an ancient puzzle jealously guarded by a devious man... The Changeling delivers solid entertainment and a frightening good time.
HIGHS: Killer wheelchair on autopilot. Indoor wind machine.
LOWS: First, he parks the car. Next, he plays the piano... and has the nerve to record it. Creepy!
MEMORABLE LINES: Melvin "A furnace is like anything else Mr. Russell - it's got habits."
NOTE: The unofficial label of classic doesn't seem to stop a movie from sucking.

Sammy: 3/10
Johnny: 3/10
Sian: 2.5/10
Rob: 6/10

1 comment:

blair-witch-projector said...

again i beg to differ with you. i saw this movie when i was younger, and fresher. i think you guys are watching these flicks with stale eyes. of COURSE you need to be drunk or hopped up on batshit to make new eyes, and really get into any horror movie!!!! thats why stephen king sucks now: he's sober. sigh. its all about heightened experience. that's what every good warlock or priestess of the dark arts knows. i know the ending sucked, but come on, the ball? the bathtub banging? george c scott crying his eyes out? thats scary. and the wild ride getting to the lame ending--which has some sweet ass ghost revenge--is not too shabby.