Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bride of the Renimator (1990)

SYNOPSIS: 8 months after the Miskatonic Massacre, Dr. West & Cain's experiments have taken a bizarre turn. Now the legs of a hooker, the womb of a virgin are joined to the heart of Dr. Cain's dead girlfriend... and the bride is unleashed upon her mate in a climax of horror.
HIGHS: Not even ONE! Well, OK. The decapitated head with bat wings for ears was kinda funny.
LOWS: Lieutenant spins with and then pulls leg off live dog - too ridiculous.
MEMORABLE LINES: Dr. West (to severed head) "You used to have visions of grandeur. Now you're a no-body." Dr. Hill "Do as I say, you nincumpoop!" As his mouth gets stuffed with an apple. Dr. West "My God! They're using tools!" (about his myriad of spare-parts people he created)

Sammy: 1/10
Johnny: 1/10

1 comment:

jbird said...

What an awful movie. i don't know if it was the disappointment after seeing the original Re-Animator or just the fact that it sucked so hard that made it worse. Even the ridiculous - bat wings on a severed head, re-animated corpses using tools, a four-legged eye - fell flat without eving making a thud.