Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

SYNOPSIS: In October of 1994, 3 student film makers disappeared in the woods. A y ear later, their footage was found.
HIGHS: Hairy nipples! Those are some attractive jeans Heather. High waisted is always in style. The snot!
LOWS: A shaky camera does not make it scary.
MEMORABLE LINES: Jon " I like the part with the blank screen" To the sticks: That's some fucking crazy shit, Mike "No rednecks are this creative.", Jon "I also like the part where they always shoot the ground."
NOTES: The cat made us jump more than the film. Good one Leon! We are being mean, but honestly, the scariest part was the very last scene. Definitely an interesting way to approach a horror movie.

Sammy: 6.5/10
Johnny: (a very generous) 1/10
Sian: 8.5/10

1 comment:

Tim said...

I think the snot thing would make a great "Do the sleeve sneeze" commercial for Canadian swine flu