Monday, October 12, 2015

It Follows (2014)

SYNOPSIS: Wierd supernatural killer gets passed around from person-to-person by sexual encounters in this 80s-vibe flick. The only way to get rid of it is to have sex again with someone else and pass it on. It certainly does follow!
HIGHS: The nod to the future – clamshell kindle anyone?
 Invisible hair pulling. Hair G-string.
LOWS: Poor Mans Joshua Jackson's earring. Slow round the room pan shot. Remarkably clean pool for a dark building. Local/Russian hookers.

MEMORABLE LINES: "I'm pretty sure he would have came by now given that he's probably a virgin." - my Paul

Sammy: 6/10
Paul: 6.2/10

SUPER disappointed. I feel this movie could have been so much more. The potential was there! 

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